Precious and Sweets - the cows

Sweets, previously part of an Angus Beef herd from NSW, arrived at The Sanctuary in 2013. Her story is truly spine-tingling. About to be loaded onto a livestock truck headed for market, Sweets and another cow, Precious, were too big to fit. Rather than pay for another truck, the farmer decided to give them to his next door neighbour. This woman, a fairy godmother in her own right, immediately contacted Farm Animal Rescue and organised for them to come to The Sanctuary. At the end of 2013 we were the recipients of a Christmas miracle - two in fact. Unbeknown to us, Sweets and Precious were already pregnant when they arrived at The Sanctuary. We walked outside one morning to find that two baby calves had magically appeared in the paddock. The newest (and very unexpected) arrivals, Sally and Sam, achieved something we never thought possible - they brought together a herd of cows that had previously lived very separate lives. Even Murray - our resident bull - took on child minding duties. Sweets was nearly two years old when she was destined for slaughter. Now, thanks to the kindness of her very own fairy godmother, Sweets is more than six years old and spends her days at The Sanctuary with her daughter Sally, and other members of the herd. Murray has his own unique (and somewhat destructive) story. Click here to find out more!